December, 1, 2024 – Volume 13, Issue 12
Our table was all set for an early Thanksgiving with family.

This Month’s E-Newsletter Contains:

Ministry Update
Christina’s Corner
Photo Fun
Prayers and Help
Our Schedule
Tax Deductible Donation

Thanksgiving day was Doug and Diane’s 32nd Wedding Anniversary!

Ministry Update

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

What do Thanksgiving and Christmas have in common? God! God provides our many blessings for which we give thanks and Christmas is the day that was chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But though Jesus, in His human form, was born in Bethlehem, He did not start existing in Mary’s womb. He has always been:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1:1-3

We hope you were able to enjoy a peaceful Thanksgiving day with family and/or friends. It is always good to stop and focus on all that the Lord has provided, and to thank Him for our many blessings! What if this year you made it a habit to thank God for one thing each day? Like the old song says, counting our blessings is a wonderful way to praise the Lord and find freedom from worry.

One of the things we are very thankful for this month is the repair of our ministry vehicle. We took it to two different shops in town and received estimates that ranged from about $1,500 to over $4,000. Doug called an elder at our church that has helped fix our ministry vehicle in the past. He determined that there was not a problem with some of the things we were told needed to get fixed. He and Doug were able to fix the car for just over $200 in parts! Thank you Lord and thank you to our friend.

Since our next Newsletter will arrive after Christmas, we wanted to go ahead and wish you a merry Christmas now. 😉 Speaking of Christmas, tonight (December 1, 2024) is our first full Christmas concert of the the year. It will be at Macedonia Christian Church, Lexington, KY. Tonight’s concert is our only full Christmas concert this season open to the general public in Lexington, KY. To see our full Christmas schedule head to the schedule page of our website.

November was a busy month with family activities and a few concerts. Christina and Doug provided the music for a wedding. We visited Doug’s sister and her family, and our daughter Katie up in MI. We sold our Lilla Rose products at a vendor fair. Christina and Katie surprised Doug with a special belated 60th birthday gift. What was that gift? Contact us to find out. 😉 We visited ICOM and sang at the Veterans Day Ceremony at Camp Nelson National Cemetery; Burlington, KY, for a seniors group; Richmond, KY, at a Cowboy Church held in a stockyard, and in Frankfort, KY, where we did our first half Christmas concert. Christina continues with her babysitting job for a family at church, gives instrument lessons, and she is blessed to receive violin lessons as well. She also did some dog sitting this month.

We had two small Thanksgiving celebrations. One on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving with my oldest daughter, Jennifer, and her family. We have certainly been blessed this month to spend more time with family. We also had a small gathering on Thanksgiving day enjoying leftovers with a friend of Christina’s who was not able to make it home for the holiday.

That brings us to what is happening in December. As I mentioned above our first full Christmas concert is TONIGHT (December 1, 2024) at 6:00 PM at Macedonia Christian Church, Lexington, KY. We also have Christmas concerts in other parts of KY as well as IN, VA, and TN. We have done some decorating and are trying to get all of our personal Christmas things done during little breaks in our schedule. We will be visiting Doug’s sister and her family, as well as Katie on Christmas and having our Christmas celebrations with my other children before or after Christmas. Christina was also hired as one of the musicians for a church’s Christmas cantata in Versailles, KY.

As we mentioned in the last couple of newsletters, Christina has been having trouble with her voice since about September 18th. For a full update read below in “Christina’s Corner”.

Check out our schedule to see the exact times and dates of all future events!

For more updates please look at our Facebook page which contains our most updated information. 

Christina’s Corner​

Travels, preparation for Christmas concerts, continued vocal therapy, tech issues, and Thanksgiving cooking. November has been quite the crazy month! But visits to friends, familiar and festive music, slow healing, and time with family (and to pull out some new and old recipes!) were so worth it! While my voice is still very tired some days, especially when my schedule makes it difficult to do vocal relaxation throughout the day, I have now achieved singing five songs in one concert instead of three! You may notice that I haven’t listed the upside to the tech issues…

Though that has certainly been the most frustrating aspect of November, as I worked at the computer of our local library (knowing I should have brought my computer to a shop the week before, and fighting a tech issue on the library’s computer) I was at last able to find something to be grateful for. Did I get the results I wanted this month? No, neither our music video nor my personal lyric video have been posted. But I put in effort. I got a little better at time management. And I even thought up a creative solution! (Which would have saved me a lot of time if I’d thought of it first thing at the library. 😂)

Whether your plans go awry, or perfectly as planned, here’s hoping you are full of joy this Christmas! And if you haven’t seen my Christmas movie, I’m sure I can make time to mail you a copy. 😉
Read more about it, here!

Photo Fun

Prayers and Help

Prayer requests

  • Safe travels (including Christina’s travels to a few solo events❤️)
  • Christina’s vocal health
  • We have several family members and friends going through health issues including cancer

You Can Help!
(Recommendations and Comments Needed)

Through the years many people have made encouraging comments about our ministry. If you have been blessed by our ministry, please contact us with your comments so that others will be encouraged to schedule us for their church or event. Thank you in advance! 

Would you like us to present our music at your church or event?

We are currently scheduling concerts for 2025 (the “Twenty Years Singing Tour”), and 2026 (including Christmas concerts in 2025, and 2026)! Our Christmas schedule fills quickly, but we do still have a couple of available dates in December 2024. If you would like us to sing at your church or event, please call us at 859-552-9989 or e-mail us at

Thank you so much for your help and support!

To help our ministry grow, please forward our newsletter to your friends and family. They may be interested in having us sing at their church or event.  If you received this as a forward and would like to receive this newsletter directly, please sign up here. If you do not want to receive our e-newsletter any more, we understand. Just unsubscribe at the very bottom of this e-newsletter. (e-mail us at if the “unsubscribe” does not work.)

Singing for Him,
Doug, Diane, and Christina Diggles

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Diggles Family Ministries this year. You can send your donation to PO Box 24542, Lexington, KY 40524-4542 OR donate online​. All donations above the retail value of any gifts received are tax deductible.

Diggles Family Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 24542
Lexington, KY 40524-4542
(859) 552-9989
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