March, 1, 2025 – Volume 14, Issue 3
Taken while driving over railroad tracks in Lexington, KY.

This Month’s E-Newsletter Contains:

Ministry Update
Christina’s Corner
Photo Fun
Prayers and Help
Our Schedule
Tax Deductible Donation

Christina and Diane bundled up to go for a walk. 😊

Ministry Update

Welcome to March!

February was full of home and family which are two of my favorite things. ❤️ It is always nice to have extra time at home to cook, clean, organize, bake, and just spend time together talking and playing games together. KY, like much of the country, has been experiencing colder than normal temperatures and more snow ☃️than normal as well. We are staying bundled up, and I am staying inside as much as possible. 😉 We HAVE ventured out to do some square dancing which has become a fun activity for our family.

We hope you will join us at one of our concerts! If we are not singing near you, consider talking to your church to see if they would be interested in having us bring the Word through song. To see our full schedule head to the schedule page of our website.

We are very thankful that Christina’s vocal injury is officially “healed.” Thank you so much to those of you that have been praying for her and checking to see how she is doing. We continue to pray for an increase of vocal strength and resilience as she puts what she has been learning in therapy and now in lessons to practice.

Check out our schedule to see the exact times and dates of all future events!

For more updates please look at our Facebook page which contains our most updated information. 

Christina’s Corner​

I’m officially off of vocal therapy and transitioning to singing lessons to further guard my voice against future injuries. Thank you so much to all who have prayed for me, and those who sent cards and asked how I was. It was a long journey, but I’m grateful and hopeful that I’ll be able to sing better soon than I did before, particularly in higher parts of my range.

There is no video this month, as unfortunately I got sick after procrastinating the video work to the end of the month. (This is why you don’t procrastinate, friends!). Please pray for a quick recovery, and praise God that it is currently not manifesting with much respiratory distress!

If you want something to watch, I’d recommend watching the Song About Birds! (I’m looking forward to the warmth of springtime!)

Photo Fun

Prayers and Help

Prayer requests

  • Safe travels
  • Christina’s continued vocal health
  • We have several family members (including Doug’s sister) and friends going through health issues including cancer

You Can Help!
(Recommendations and Comments Needed)

Through the years many people have made encouraging comments about our ministry. If you have been blessed by our ministry, please contact us with your comments so that others will be encouraged to schedule us for their church or event. Thank you in advance! 

Would you like us to present our music at your church or event?

We are currently scheduling concerts for 2025 (the “Twenty Years Singing Tour”), and 2026 (including Christmas concerts in 2025, and 2026)! If you would like us to sing at your church or event, please call us at 859-552-9989 or e-mail us at

Thank you so much for your help and support!

To help our ministry grow, please forward our newsletter to your friends and family. They may be interested in having us sing at their church or event.  If you received this as a forward and would like to receive this newsletter directly, please sign up here. If you do not want to receive our e-newsletter any more, we understand. Just unsubscribe at the very bottom of this e-newsletter. (e-mail us at if the “unsubscribe” does not work.)

Singing for Him,
Doug, Diane, and Christina Diggles

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Diggles Family Ministries. You can send your donation to PO Box 24542, Lexington, KY 40524-4542 OR donate online​. All donations above the retail value of any gifts received are tax deductible.

Diggles Family Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 24542
Lexington, KY 40524-4542
(859) 552-9989
Try our our new Link Tree

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