October, 1, 2024 – Volume 13, Issue 10
We all went kayaking and canoeing on Rock Lake, Vestaburg, MI! It was beautiful!

This Month’s E-Newsletter Contains:

Ministry Update
Christina’s Corner
Photo Fun
Prayers and Help
Our Schedule

Rock Lake in the Morning Fog

Ministry Update

For those who subscribe to our e-newsletter, if the format looks different this month – that’s because it is! For the past few months we’ve been working to restore a web-based version of the newsletter, while continuing to keep the budget reduced after leaving our previous email provider. If all goes as planned, not only will email subscribers be notified of our monthly posts, but now those on social media won’t be left out. 🙂 Let us know how it worked for your e-mail system. We are still working on improvements.

We want to start off by saying our prayers go out to the many families who have lost loved ones and their homes during hurricane Helene. It is so very sad, and it is a reminder that many of the struggles we face pale in comparison.

September started off with the first annual Family Rally at Rock Garden Camp in MO which was founded in 1940! It was a great time of music, messages, devotions, games, and wonderful food! Between sessions at that event, Diane and Christina worked feverishly to fix our website crash. Why did the website crash? Wellll, we’re not exactly sure, but something happened when our webhosting company tried to transfer the domain to the new and improved site we had built. Thankfully the Lord prepared both the time to work, and a few friends with web experience to help pull us out of the hole we had dug. There are still a few bugs affecting the color of some links and formatting on our calendar page, but the biggest fix is reentering all of our events into the new calendar since they did not transfer over. We are so thankful that the site is functioning again!

Next we traveled to MI for two concerts and the Rock Laker Gathering event at Rock Lake Christian Assembly founded in 1919. This is the same camp where Rich Mullins wrote “Awesome God”. We were blessed to sing at two camps in a row with such a long history. Shortly before we arrived at Rock Lake Christian Assembly, a paper airplane made from an event flyer from the 70s! was knocked out of the rafters by a bird that got into the main building. (Don’t worry, the bird was rescued!) While we were in MI we were able to visit with Doug’s sister and her family and our very own Katie! 💖This was a welcome chance to relax after the chaos of the web crash.

And then… the long-awaited 20th anniversary celebration of our ministry finally arrived! We had around 80 people in attendance live, including several travelers who came from two and three states away! It was heart warming that so many people came out and travel sooooo far to celebrate with us. In addition to our “in-person” guests, over five countries were represented during the live online viewing (only the concert portion was live streamed) It was a day full of joy, memories, new music, and square dancing!

Our travels also brought us to WV for a 4 day revival. The congregation was such a blessing to us and it was a joy working with speaker. The preaching was on the book of Jonah. Doug and Christina wrote new lyrics to the tune of “Hoist the Colors” (a sailor/pirate song) to go with the sermon. Maybe we will sing that on an upcoming Living Room Live!

One big prayer request as we prepare to enter October is Christina’s voice! She’s had some major sinus/throat/allergy issues the past few weeks. She was on “vocal bedrest” (no talking or singing for about a week) and is just beginning to transition out of that with a little talking and just a few songs that are easy on her vocal chords. We pray she will be singing full voice again very soon!

In October we plan to travel to Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina, and back to Virginia again. Check out our schedule to see the exact times and dates! For those who want to travel from out of state to see us, The National Prayer Clinic is a wonderful retreat with dorms provided for men, and a hotel at the bottom of the mountain if you need family accommodations. Do you want a better prayer life? This is a great place to strategize and learn! In a busy world, there is nothing more important than stepping away to pray.

For more updates please look at our Facebook page which contains our most updated information. 

Christina’s Corner​

It has definitely been interesting not speaking at all, and texting family across the room. Needing to take more effort than usual to speak has also made it natural to think more about what is necessary, good, and helpful to say. While I don’t recommend allergies, sinus infections, and throat trouble to anyone, I do recommend you take some time to ponder your words! Our words have power to encourage, to work healing, or to discourage and tear down. They have the power to bring laughter and tears, smiles and frowns. Don’t forget that what you say to yourself (mentally or out loud) is so important, too!

As one example, I’ve been telling myself that I don’t have time to finish my next video – which is partially true. But I’ve also learned that I’m not very productive the first day after a trip. The past few days I started telling myself I would focus on video editing first, a task where it’s easy to get into the flow and relax. And you know what? This morning I went to the library where I could be sure to focus best, and finished all the animation! Only typing and editing the lyrics stands between me and another YouTube video now. 🙂

Photo Fun

Prayers and Help

Prayer requests

  • Safe travels (including Christina’s travels to a few solo events❤️)
  • Christina’s vocal health
  • We have several family members and friends going to through health issues including cancer

You Can Help!
(Recommendations and Comments Needed)

Through the years many people have made encouraging comments about our ministry. If you have been blessed by our ministry, please contact us with your comments so that others will be encouraged to schedule us for their church or event. Thank you in advance! 

Would you like us to present our music at your church or event?

We are currently scheduling concerts for 2024, 2025, and 2026 (including Christmas concerts in 2024,  2025, and 2026)! Our Christmas schedule fills quickly, but we do still have some available dates in November and December 2024. If you would like us to sing at your church or event, please call us at 859-552-9989 or e-mail us at contact@digglesfamily.com.

Thank you so much for your help and support!

To help our ministry grow, please forward our newsletter to your friends and family. They may be interested in having us sing at their church or event.  If you received this as a forward and would like to receive this newsletter directly, please sign up here. If you do not want to receive our e-newsletter any more, we understand. Just unsubscribe at the very bottom of this e-newsletter. (e-mail us at dfmoffice@digglesfamily.com if the “unsubscribe” does not work.)

Singing for Him,
Doug, Diane, and Christina Diggles

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Diggles Family Ministries this year. You can send your donation to PO Box 24542, Lexington, KY 40524-4542 OR donate online​. All donations above the retail value of any gifts received are tax deductible.

Diggles Family Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 24542
Lexington, KY 40524-4542
(859) 552-9989
Try our our new Link Tree

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