Diggles Family Ministries exists
to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ
and to uplift and encourage people everywhere
by presenting a wholesome program
centered on Jesus Christ.

The Diggles Family (Doug, Diane, and their two youngest children Christina and Katie) began ministering part-time on August 15, 2004, with a concert in Butler, NJ. Although they didn’t know it at the time, God was preparing them for the full-time ministry they had desired for years. On November 4, 2004, when Doug lost his full-time job, the adventure on which God was leading this family took a new turn. They felt God had opened a door leading them into full-time ministry – only 3 months after their ministry began!

Since then, they have been blessed to travel through 47 states – presenting concerts in 31 of those states; Ontario, Canada; and Uganda, Africa.  In 2018, four became three when Katie moved out of state. She and her third part of their family harmony has been greatly missed, but children grow and family dynamics change through the years.

The Diggles Family is using their God-given talents to serve their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. During these many years, He has graciously allowed them to work, play, school, and minister together as a family. They truly have a family ministry.

Doug Diggles

Doug has been singing for the Lord for over four decades as a soloist and with several groups: Undivided Heart, The Master’s Quartet, Potter’s Clay, Three In One, and now The Diggles Family. He is living his dream. He enjoys singing lead, tenor, baritone, and especially bass. He has been blessed with a voice that touches your heart when you hear him sing.

Doug also enjoys playing the piano and has written one song, the title track of their album You Are My Strength. When at home, Doug enjoys family game nights and book read-alouds. He also enjoys working in their family garden and looks forward to their harvest of fruits and vegetables each year.

Diane Diggles

Diane holds the group together by handling most of the work behind the scenes. She is the ministry bookkeeper, handles the social media advertising, runs the sound board, handles their scheduling with help from Doug, and does the ministry’s computer work including creating and maintaining their website with the help of Christina. Diane is not on stage often, but during their Christmas concerts she enjoys playing several percussion and rhythm instruments, including the autoharp, bodhran drum, sleigh bells, egg shakers, maraca, xylophone, and mountain dulcimer!

At home she enjoys cooking healthy food, making homemade bread, rolling and soaking oats, making yogurt and kombucha, family game time, family read aloud books, and well… anything family!

Christina Diggles

With an ear for harmony, Christina enjoys arranging songs with her dad, and incorporating a variety of instruments to help give The Diggles Family their unique sound. She has also taken on the graphic design and sound engineering for their CD projects. Throughout the year she plays the violin (her favorite), viola, acoustic guitar, penny whistles, and mandolin. At Christmas she adds many other instruments including cello, classical guitar, mountain and hammered dulcimer, ukulele, accordion, and banjo!

A 2013 homeschool graduate, she is currently studying violin and has many interests from reading and gardening, to traditional cooking and handcrafts. But her greatest love is the Lord. She has been reading and studying the Bible since she learned to read, and has memorized chapters of scripture. To support herself while in full-time ministry, Christina gives violin and guitar lessons, is an affiliate for Lilla Rose, and releases her fantasy music through Talesong where her most recent Christmas musical can also be licensed for public showings.

On the Road with The Diggles Family

Doug had a desire to travel and after starting Diggles Family Ministries the Lord gave Doug
his dream of traveling. Since beginning in 2004 they have been able to travel through
47 states, Ontario, Canada, and Uganda Africa. When the girls were young they were able to
visit many national parks and monuments and complete several Junior Ranger badges.

We have sung in the BLUE states/province/country, and we have traveled through the RED states.

North America


We have sung in 31 states, and we have driven through
an additional 16 states bringing the total number of states we have visited to 47! We have yet to visit Alaska, Hawaii, and North Dakota.


We have sung in 1 province of Canada, Ontario! We have yet to sing in 9 provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan) and the three territories of Canada (Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon). Completing the list of Canada’s provinces and territories will be much more difficult than our USA list! 😄



In 2023, Doug and Christina were blessed with the opportunity to minister at Osanidde Village on Bussi Island and on two other islands on Lake Victoria in Uganda. This is a trip that they hope to make again.

Scripture Memorization

(Diane Diggles shares how their family wove scripture into the hearts of Christina and Katie)

“I have hidden Your word in my heart
that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119:11

How did we start doing scripture memorization with the girls? Well, I’ll tell you. Many years ago before we started Diggles Family Ministries, when Christina was just three years old her older sister, Jennifer, was a member of a local Bible Quiz team. (In Bible Quiz the teenagers memorize books of the Bible each year) Christina watched as I quizzed Jennifer over and over. One day she said she wanted to do it, too. So, I looked for a passage for her to learn. I decided to choose Psalm 121.

Each night before she went to bed we practiced it. I would say a few words and she would repeat it back to me. We did this for several nights and then one night Christina said that she wanted to do it all by herself. Now, I have to tell you I did not think she could do it. But, I told her to go ahead and try. Wow, was I surprised! She quoted several verses by herself. I knew God had just shown me that with a little time and effort my “little sponge” could memorize a lot of scripture. That Christmas she recited the Christmas Story, Luke 2:8-20, from memory. Her younger sister, Katie, followed in her footsteps and also began memorizing scripture at about age three. As Christina and Katie grew and then we started our family singing ministry we would divide up the memorized passages so that they could recite the passage during a concert going back and forth.

I believe that children can memorize and recite passages of scripture as soon as they can talk.

Chapters of the Bible they have memorized

We stopped keeping track of their memory passages many years ago, but this gives you an idea of what children can memorize with a little effort. And, what we should be doing as adults, too, even though it may take more effort. Unfortunately, I did not write down all of the passages Christina memorized
when she was little, so as well as not including passages memorized later in life, I may also be missing some from their early years.

C=Christina, K=Katie

List the books of the Bible (C,K)
Genesis 1-2:3 (C, K)
Psalm 1 (C)
Psalm 2 (C)
Psalm 3 (C)
Psalm 4 (C)
Psalm 8 (C,K)
Psalm 19 (C,K)
Psalm 23 (C,K)
Psalm 62 (K)
Psalm 63 (K)
Psalm 91 (C,K)
Psalm 98 (C,K)
Psalm 117 (K)
Psalm 118 (K)
Psalm 121 (C,K)
Psalm 134 (K)
Psalm 150 (C,K)
Matthew 3 (C,K)
Matthew 28 (C,K)
Luke 2:1-20 (C,K)
Romans 12 (C)
1 Corinthians 12 (C)
1 Corinthians 13 (C,K)
Philippians 1 (C)
Philippians 2 (C)
Hebrews 1 (C,K)
2 Peter 1 (C)
2 Peter 2 (C)
2 Peter 3 (C)
1 John 1 (C,K)

Diggles Family Ministries, PO Box 24542, Lexington, KY 40524-4542: 859-552-9989